What Is Cumulative Voting?

Cumulative voting is a voting method often used in board elections of California homeowner associations. With cumulative voting, each member of the HOA may cast all of their votes for one candidate or they may distribute their votes among the candidates. For example,...

How Does HOA Voting in California Work?

Homeowner Association (HOA) voting in California is typically governed by the HOA’s bylaws and state law. Here are some general guidelines: The secret ballot process described in the Davis-Stirling Act (California Civil Code Section 5100) must be used for the...

How Do You Break a Tie in a Vote for a HOA?

Tie votes are actually pretty common, particularly among board elections for small HOAs (the fewer votes there are, the greater the chance of a tie). Ideally, the HOA bylaws or election rules include instructions on what to do in the case of a tie. The instructions...

We Have a New Name and Logo

We changed our name from “Professional Election Inspectors” to the shorter “Pro Elections LLC.”  We also created a new logo, to create a more professional look and feel for our business. A website refresh is coming soon!